

Saturday March 29, 2025

Sam Mikhael

Topic: Current Lessons from Daniel

Location: Hiawassa Bible Chapel

Contact (email): news@webchapel.org

Check out the Audio Recordings page.

General Information

This is an annual spring conference for the spiritual uplifting of the saints in Central Florida and other visitors. The conference has historically taken place at various assemblies that are large enough to hold the number of attendees.

Each conference begins on a Saturday around 9:30 AM with snacks and fellowship. Singing and opening remarks begin no later than 10:00 AM. The ministry is done in two parts with a short break between followed by a meal break about noon.

The afternoon session begins at 1:00 PM with announcements, reports, and more singing. The third and final ministry message is given.

The conference ends around 3:00 PM.